Eltham Child Care Cooperative is a registered charity and not-for-profit. Fees are set in order for us to balance the budget each year. As the centre is a parent run cooperative, it is expected that all families will contribute to the running, decision making and maintenance of the centre. In doing so, ECCC is able to maintain lower fees than privately-run centres.
Fees are periodically revised by the Parent Management Committee in accordance with our budget review processes. The current fees for the Centre are set at $145 per day.
Fees are charged for children's absences due to illness or family holidays.
Fees are not charged for the days that the Centre is closed over the Christmas period (typically 3 weeks in duration).
Fees are invoiced on a fortnightly basis via direct deposit into the Centre's bank account.
Families may be eligible for government assistance with the cost of childcare including the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) which can be deducted from your fees prior to the Centre invoicing. Contact the Family Assistance Office to determine your entitlements.
Coop Levy
Each year a cooperative levy is charged to each family. This levy reduces the costs involved for gardening and maintenance and helps to reduce our overall fee structure. The levy is set at $300 payable in two instalments.
This levy is fully refundable in December upon completion of:
2 x working bees
1 x garden duty roster and
2 x general meeting attendances.